18th World Religions Conference Victoria

Topic: Kindness & Kinship

Information & Online Login

  • Tel: 1-877-767-1965 or 604-767-1965
  • Email: info.bc@ahmadiyya.ca
    If you require direct link of conference
  • Date & Time: February 4th, 2024 starting 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM

In Person Event
For further details visit http://worldreligionsconference.ca/


Councillor Karen Harper

Karen Harper was born in Malden, Massachusetts.  (DO you want to add – where she was a member of the Unitarian church ). She moved to Saanich in 1967 with her mother and siblings, leaving for university and work.  She returned to live in Saanich in 2000 for job opportunities.  She is married.  Her interests are varied and include – cycling, including the Tour de Victoria 5 times, French speaker, couture sewing, knitting, sailing and is an avid reader.  She has a BA in English (SFU) , Teaching certificate (SFU), and M.Ed. (UVic).  She started her career as a teacher for 17 years, first in senior high school English, followed by senior high school library, then elementary intermediate, and finally elementary French immersion library.  She then joined BCTF administrative staff where she administered the teachers' long term disability plan, and was a pension plan trustee.  After 14 years at the BCTF, she moved to Victoria to become the Chief Knowledge Officer at the BC Pension Corporation, from 2000-2010. On her first term at Saanich she was chair of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee, and a member of the Finance Committee. She is currently an alternate to the Capital Regional District (CRD), a member of the Regional Water Supply Commission, Saanich representative to the Greater Victoria Library Board, as well as CREST (Capital Region Emergency Service Telecommunications), and member of Finance Committee, Tax Review Panel, and the Public Safety and Emergency Committee.


Baha`i Perspective
Ms. Cat Vallance

Cat Vallance is a recently graduated student from the University of Victoria who majored in Indigenous Studies and minored in Religious Studies. As a Baha’i who believes strongly in the oneness of humanity, she feels very drawn to Multifaith initiatives and endeavours that foster strong, spiritually nourished communities.

Christian Anglican Perspective
Father Allen Doerksen

Father Allen Doerksen is an Anglican priest who serves in the Diocese of Islands and Inlets (B.C.) at St. Philip, Oak Bay (stphilipvictoria.ca).  Fr. Allen has served in parishes and diocesan leadership positions in four dioceses in western Canada.  He has also offered public lectures on various topics and served as a teacher for college and seminary courses.  Fr. Allen is passionate about the intersection of spiritual life with all the major issues of our day and believes that without sustained dialogue and deep listening around these issues, western democracies will continue to fall prey to forces that seek to polarize and divide.  With special thanks to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at for sponsoring conferences that help bring us into a listening environment!

Islam Perspective
Maulana Umran ul Haq Bhatti

Umran ul-Haq Bhatti is a Missionary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. Umranacquired his degree in Islamic Theology and Comparative Religions in 2013, Canada.He has served in Ghana,Atlantic Canada, and Toronto. During his 4 yrs in Atlantic Canada he was a monthly columnist writing for the local newspaper in removing misconception about the peaceful teachings of Islam and building bridges in the community. Currently he is the Imam of the Baitur Rehman Mosque in Delta, BC.He served as an Imam and Missionary for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the Calgary branch at Baitun Noor Mosque from 2013- 2015.For the last 4 years he was serving Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Jamaica, West Indies, in the capacity of Missionary in Charge. He was recently appointed to serve the British Columbia chapters and the community based around Baitur Rahman Mosque.

Sikh Faith Perspective
Gurdeep Singh

Gurdeep Singh comes from a diversified background. He was born in Kenya andthen moved to London in an early age where he received his religious schooling while being associated with the Temple and Many Sages. He has been a prominent part of the Sikh community and has also been religiously and politically active in Londo before moving to Victoria 9 years ago. Gurdeep has traveled well to 5 continents and his experiences allowed him to be open minded and a free thinker.

Christianity (LDS) Perspective
Mr. Richard Rush

Richard Rush grew up in Calgary, Alberta. He is married to Melanie (Camche) and together they have five children and seven grandchildren. Richard holds several post-secondary degrees including a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). Richard has served in numerous volunteer capacities over a 35-year span working with children and youth. Most of his volunteer service over the last decade has been serving in various ecclesiastical and administrative roles within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is currently the second counsellor in the Victoria BC Stake Presidency. Richard’s primary personal hobby is swimming, running and triathlon. He continues to race periodically just to keep active.

Jewish Faith Perspective
Rabbi Matthew Ponak

Rabbi Matthew Ponak is a teacher, spiritual counsellor, and the author of Embodied Kabbalah: Jewish Mysticism for All People. He has been engaged with interfaith sharing since 2007 when he founded a Jewish Muslim dialogue group as an undergraduate student. Learn more about him and his upcoming projects at MatthewPonak.com.

Representing New Thought
Ms. Lesia Kohnut

Lesia Kohut is a speaker, podcaster, activist, and coach. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Advanced Consciousness Studies, and is a Licensed Spiritual Practitioner, Positive Intelligence Coach, and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She is also working on her masters degree and is in her final year of study to become a minister of New Thought.Through the mindful, messy, and dynamic work of soul excavation, Lesia helps busy, open-minded professionals get to the root cause of their problems so that they can make better decisions, be more successful, and achieve desired goals and intentions in their relationships,career, and health. Her podcast, “Who Do You Think You Are?” is available on YouTube and major podcast platforms. Lesia also recently published first book, Soul Excavation: An Exploration and Discovery of Self Through Fear, Failure, and Quantum Physics. Lesia is mother to her greatest teacher and inspiration, Mylana and lives, breathes, works, and plays on Vancouver Island with her husband, community, and cat Mercury.

Representing Metaphysical
Dr. Anneli Driessen

Anneli has been at the forefront of personal and corporate change for over thirty years. Since 1978 she has been a successful clinical therapist, mentor and master certified coach (MCC) to CEOs and other C-level executives, and served clients in North and South America, Australia, Asia and Europe. Her book Spiritually-Based Leadership is a unique guide to assist individuals in accelerating personal and career performance by integrating divine principals as well as universal ethics rooted within most religious and spiritual traditions. Her most recent interest has been in exploring “Spiritual Intelligence” through a well-researched self assessment tool, the SQ21 Model. Its 21 identified behavioral skills, which can be learned, are a superb fit with the goals of the Metaphysical Academy’s curriculum program, which “…is grounded in universal knowledge with practical hands-on application to meet everyday challenges and for fostering consciousness expansion and personal responsibility.” and inspiration, Mylana and lives, breathes, works, and plays on Vancouver Island with her husband, community, and cat Mercury.

Buddhism Perspective
Mr.Wayne Codling

Wayne Codling trained as a Buddhist monk at the San Francisco Zen Centre in California and has spent most of the past 30 years as a participant in the emergence of Zen in North America. Today he lives in Victoria, teaching Zen Buddhism and serving individuals who want spiritual coaching.

Hinduism Perspective
Mr. Onkar Hans

Onkar migrated from New Delhi, INDIA was born & brought up in Hindu Sanatan Dharama traditions.  He is active member of Victoria Hindu Temple . He initiated into “Kriya Yga” as propounded by Shri Paramhhansa of India. Onkar is resident of Victoria BC.


  • 4:25 PM Announcement
    • We would like to acknowledge with gratitude that we are on the unceded territory of the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations  who have been stewards of this land for thousands of years.
  • 4:30 PM Recitation of the Holy Qur’an Rukshan Butt
    • Rukhshan Butt  English Translation
  • 4:35 PM Welcome remarks by Dignitaries
    • Umar Chaudhry External Affair Communication Director Greater Vancouver Chapter
    • Gary Anderson, President LDS
    • Fletcher Bennett, VMS Board Member 
    • Councillor Karen Harper, District of Saanich  
  • 4:45 PM Introductory Remarks By Rizwan Peerzada, Regional President BC
  • 4:45 PM Introduction to moderato

   Speakers Panel            (Time Allocated 8 to 9 minutes)

  • 4:50 PM                      Baha’i                        Ms. Cat Vallance
  • 4:59 PM                      Christianity Anglican   Rev. Allen Doerksen
  • 5:08 PM                      Islam                          Maulana Umran Bhatti
  • 5: 17 PM                      Sikh Faith                   Mr. Gurdeep Singh
  • 5:26 PM                      Christianity LDS       Mr. Richard Rush
  • 5:35 PM                       Judaism                      Rabbi Matthew Ponak
  • 5:44 PM                       New Thought             Mrs. Leslie Kohnut
  • 5:53 PM                       Mataphysical             Dr. Anneli Driessen
  • 6:02 PM                       Buddhism                  Mr. Wayne Codling
  • 6:11 PM                        Hindu Faith                Mr. Onkar Hans

Question & Answer Session

  • 6:20 PM                       Concluding Remarks by moderator
  • 6:35 PM                      Vote of Thanks by President AMJ  Victoria Mr Rukhshan Butt

East Indian Dinner


