- (604) 767-1965
- info@worldreligionsconference.ca
- 31900 Gabriola Crt, Abbotsford, BC, V2T5M9

19th World Religions Conference Victoria

Councillor Karen Harper
District of Saanich
District of Saanich
Karen Harper was born in Malden, Massachusetts. (DO you want to add – where she was a member of the Unitarian church )
She moved to Saanich in 1967 with her mother and siblings, leaving for university and work. She returned to live in Saanich in 2000 for job opportunities. She is married. Her interests are varied and include – cycling, including the Tour de Victoria 5 times, French speaker, couture sewing, knitting, sailing and is an avid reader. She has a BA in English (SFU) , Teaching certificate (SFU), and M.Ed. (UVic). She started her career as a teacher for 17 years, first in senior high school English, followed by senior high school library, then elementary intermediate, and finally elementary French immersion library. She then joined BCTF administrative staff where she administered the teachers’ long term disability plan, and was a pension plan trustee. After 14 years at the BCTF, she moved to Victoria to become the Chief Knowledge Officer at the BC Pension Corporation, from 2000-2010.
On her first term at Saanich she was chair of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility Advisory Committee, and a member of the Finance Committee.
She is currently an alternate to the Capital Regional District (CRD), a member of the Regional Water Supply Commission, Saanich representative to the Greater Victoria Library Board, as well as CREST (Capital Region Emergency Service Telecommunications), and member of Finance Committee, Tax Review Panel, and the Public Safety and Emergency Committee.